I got the Phist Bros. to come by and look at what we would be doing. They were quite surprised by the scope of the project, and frankly not very enthusiastic. They had some real problems with Taelyn being the supervisor. Once I explained that they would really be taking orders from me, they felt a little better. There are some problems with the electrical circuiting in the house also, ("The Group" have some specific ideas about lighting) that will mean doing some minor demolition work. That seemed to put a smile on the Phist Bros.... "knucks"? Lefty was very glad that I will probably not need Tarin (the spider) on this project.
We get started with some of the removal work, and laying out the necessary modifications to the electrical.

J.R. Katscan has taken a real interest in this house and every time I turn around, he appears to be observing what is going on. Hope he isn't planning on being underfoot all the time. If so I may have to get Lefty and Wright to get out that ball of string , again .
See Perfect Home Pt 10

He seems to like lending a hand, now and then. Here he is helping Lefty checking some roofing.

Some of the rooms are going to be more difficult to complete then others, but we are making good progress on the first floor.

We haven't seen Taelyn on the job site yet, which is probably a good thing. When he shows up, I might give the Phist Bros. permission to use the ball of string on him too.