The Sea view is a larger house than I have been dealing with. You may notice , from the back ground that, it is not in my usual construction area. Mrs. Pender has graciously allowed me to work on it in her kitchen.
Where Eris, Freya, Hera and Ophelia (from now on they will be called the Group) found this house, I'm not sure. I do know how they aquired it. (Pixie Mortgage Payments) The previous owner had done a great deal of work on the interior, and after discussion with the group, we will be making minimal changes to the inside. The members of the "Group" have already staked claims to their favorite rooms. Most of the work will be the addition of lighting, molding, doors and so forth.
The exterior will be repainted, but using the same color scheme. We will need some more windows, doors and be doing some detailing.
Since this is a pre-existing building, it was necessary for me to have it inspected prior to being issued a building permit. The building inspector, J.R. Katscan, gave it a through going over.
J.R. (stands for Just Rotten) pronounce the house to be structurally sound and he will be issuing the permit shortly.