(Emi), called, hoping that I would be able to help her with a problem. A new doll was moving into the Tree House. Since this new addition has the reputation as a teller of great stories, it was felt that she should have her own home. The other inmates were excited about the arrival of a Storyteller, and had found a log cabin they thought would suit her. The problem arose in the fact that the new doll was due to arrive very soon, so there was some urgency in completing the refurbish.

Since Taelyn is the "Pseudo-Supervisor" on the Sea View house, I asked him to meet me at the site of the Story Teller's house. Emi had requested the addition on lighting, carpet and a little painting, to dress up the cabin. With Lefty being laid up, (his condition is being greatly exaggerated, by his health care specialist, Wright), this was a good time to tackle a smaller job. Taelyn was in complete agreement, and will tell the "Group" about the delay on the Sea View project.
Since Taelyn is the "Pseudo-Supervisor" on the Sea View house, I asked him to meet me at the site of the Story Teller's house. Emi had requested the addition on lighting, carpet and a little painting, to dress up the cabin. With Lefty being laid up, (his condition is being greatly exaggerated, by his health care specialist, Wright), this was a good time to tackle a smaller job. Taelyn was in complete agreement, and will tell the "Group" about the delay on the Sea View project.
Taelyn was very helpful with suggestions. I found out that Taelyn has an alternative reason for recommending a delay at the Sea View. He has his own Fire Truck!
According to Taelyn, he found the truck abandoned. It had been stripped of ladders, hoses and all fire fighting tools. He was wondering it I could get it outfitted so that he could start his own Fire Department. The name "Taelyn Independent Fire Department" is sure to send fire insurance rates soaring off the charts.
We'll see what can be done about getting his truck rigged up, If he is playing Fire Frighter, it may keep him out of my hair, once we get back to working on the Sea View.