The plans call for the beacon house to be built on the top of the light house. I talked with Dad, and we've decided to build the assembly on the ground and then lift it to it's proper location.
I gave the Phist Bros the day off and asked Taelyn and Alonso to help with the final assembly.
They put their shoulders to it, and we got it closed up. That's when I discovered that the designer had neglected to include a door.
Taelyn and Alonso got some ladders and I climbed out. We will be putting a door in real soon.
I took a group photo of the three of us.
My new shoes are helping with my photo taking. You may be asking yourself the question "How does C.J. set the timer and still manage to get in the photo, when he needs a ladder to get in and out of the Beacon House"? Well, I'm not telling! I will say that the next time you get a fancy piece of equipment, read the manual.