I had discovered that I am by no means a "natural". Wright seems to be pretty good, and Lefty better than me.
After the first nine holes, Wright said he was close to par (whatever that means).
Lefty had taken less swings at the ball then I had, and seemed very happy about that.
Lefty then gave me a nickname, he called me "hacker". I'd never had a nickname before and was kind of pleased, that I was fitting in.
By the 18th hole, I had improved a great deal. I hit the ball in the hole in very short order.
Lefty seemed to get worse as we went along. On the 18th hole, he kept yelling "four", even though he was well over four swings at the ball.
That's when I figured out what Wright had meant by finding golf interesting.
When Lefty doesn't do well, he gets angry and breaks his golf sticks. Wright and I snickered, we did not laugh out loud however, since he still had some unbroken clubs.
I don't think this is a game that I'll be playing again.