Time : The crack of dawn (which comes later now, due to Daylight Savings).
Five individuals gathered around a map.
Today is the day chosen by Alonzo Pamplemouse for the re-location of the "Boarding House" to the Tree House. Tarin, Roboscan, Lefty, and Wright were studying the route that "Lon" had laid out on the map. In an commanding voice, Alonzo said "it is 0630, gentlemen, let's get started".
The first step, assigned to the Phist Bros., was the installation of wheels. They used the fork lift to raise the house high enough for this project. Task completed at 0827AM.
The plan was to have Tarin pull, the Phist bros. push, and Roboscan block traffic. Alonzo would ride on the roof and supervise. of course!
The procession headed for the door of C. Penders shop. (Devika had stowed away and was watching from the first floor window).
Getting thru the shop door was a little tricky. In the future it will be taken under advisement to make sure any future structures are smaller the the door.
The house arrived at the front door of the C. Pender residence.
Auntie Devika's Boarding House departed the front door. Please, be alert for a blue house moving very sloooooowly down the highway, heading in the direction of the "Tree House". At the rate the crew was moving, it may take a month or two to complete the delivery.
Once Tarin and the Phist Bros. get back, they will be helping me build a coffee shoppe for Alonzo's sister Clara. Rumor has it that Alonzo will be staying around the Boarding House as a "handy man". Devika feels that he should be on site to keep her house in "good working order" , and Ariel has agreed.