Also the stairs going to the attic, (Devika's apartment) were nearing completion.
When I returned home, there was a message on my answering machine from Tarin. He has finished his Web Site job and was inquiring if I had any work for him. I returned his call and suggested that he check with Alonzo about assisting with the shingling and/or siding installation.
Tarin called me back, after visiting Mr. Pamplemouse, and told me Lon would give him a call when he could help. Tarin also was suprised that Lefty had been very cordial to him. We both found this strange, as usually Lefty panics around Tarin. I decided to investigate.
The following day, while on the work site, I asked Lefty about his lack of fear of Tarin. Lefty told me that he felt very safe when Lon was on the site. He suggested that I ask Lon about Spider Wrangling, which I did.
It seems that Alonzo had spent some time on the "Rodeo Circuit" and had been a "Wild Spider Rider". He had pictures.
The spider was kept in a cage for the event. The cages were a fairly new modification, and introducted, after some spiders had escaped into the town of Glendale. The "Glendale Rodeo" had been renamed the "Glendale Stampede" after that incident.
The rider then mounts the spider and tries to stay seated, using only one hand, the other hand must remain in the air. The Spider will try to dislodge the rider by "bucking, twisting, etc." Points are awarded for time and style.
These are pictures of Lon's last ride.
Lon said that he had retired from "Spider Busting", after his nose had been shortened. He finds that the construction business is much safer.
That explains why Lefty feels safe with Alonzo on the job. I think he figures if Tarin should get out of hand, Wrangler Lon will just jump on him and ride him to a standstill. I guess we'll see if that works out.