Hera spent most of her time following Taelyn around. Remember, she is the one who got Taelyn his temporary appointment as Supervisor on this job. I think she has a crush on him.
Ophelia and Freya seemed to like the foyer and main staircase.

Ariel seemed pleased with the folding stairs to the attic. We had also installed the store room door on a temporary basis, so that we could control access to the attic.
Ariel informed me that we needed to get a good quality lock for the hallway side of the door. She also added that Eris would be taking over the left wing bedroom in the attic, and was to be added to the access list for the attic. Eris living in the attic with the hallway locked from the outside brought up safety concerns for me. I ask Ariel how Eris would exit the attic, in case of say a fire, if the door were locked and the stairs were pulled up. Surprise, surprise, according to Ariel, Eris has the ability to "teleport". She can imagine herself some place else and be there instantly. Pixies have some amazing talents. Even so, I told Ariel that that the building inspector (J.R. Catscan) would not approve of such a safety violation. Ariel said that any time an inspection was needed, I was to make sure that she was informed, and that she would be on site and handle it.
Eris followed Ariel up into the attic, and a lot of discussion, in low whispers. went on. I may be a bit paranoid, but if seemed that they did not want me to hear much of their conversation. I even got a frosty look from Eris, when she thought I was too close.
Eris was established as Ariel's right hand pixie , and would be giving me instructions when Ariel was not available. Plans were being drawn up for the re-inforcing of the walls of the tower area. Ariel took some measurements, and said that she would be ordering a "special" door for the tower also. After Eris picked a color scheme for her room, Ariel and the "Group" departed.
I must say that this is getting stranger and stranger. Maybe, the tower is going to be a "vault" for some of Ariel's money. Whatever it is, she sure is worried about security.