There has been a rash of accidents on the job site. None of them have been major, just little things, slivers, small cuts, abrasions and etc. Lefty and Wright are never far from the First-Aid Kit. .
About a half hour later Taelyn returned. I asked him were he had been and heard quite a story involving a "Board Stretcher".
Taelyn said that he had been helping Mr. Lefty with the floor molding in the Sun Room, when they had discovered that one of the boards was too short.
At that point Mr Lefty had asked Taelyn to go find a "Board Stretcher" so we could make the board longer. "I didn't really know what a "Board Stretcher" looked like so I checked in my Basic Carpentry Book" said Taelyn. There was no picture or anything about board stretching in my book. Mr. Lefty and Mr. Wright seemed to be very busy, and didn't have time to describe what it looked like. I looked for you, but you had gone. I decided to go see my friend Mr. Thorne, and ask him.
As I was leaving I heard Mr. Wright ask Mr. Lefty if he had "scammed the Newbie". Not knowing a lot of the technical terms in carpentry, I did not understand what they meant. Then Mr. Wright laughed and said to Mr Lefty " give me a "high one"".
After I had found and asked Mr. Thorne about the "Board Stretcher", Mr. Thorne told me that the only place that might have one was at the Ice Cream Shoppee. It would be best to go there, order a Root Beer Float, and only when I was finished with the Float, ask about the "Board Stretcher". The phone rang while I was there and I think it was Mr. Thorne, who talked to the shoppee manager. After my Root Beer Float was finished, I asked if they had a "Board Stretcher". The manager said that they had just given out the last one, and would not be getting any more, for awhile. He also suggested that Mr. Lefty might try and find a longer board. "I'm sorry I was not more helpful" said Taelyn.
I thanked Taelyn for his excellant effort, and went in search of those trouble making Phist bros. Do I have a "Board Stretcher" for them!