Each of the Pixie Guest has their own uniqueness. After seeing Saoirse and Andara's home several of them approached me about building homes for them. They said living on Wendy's desk is nice , but they would like some privacy. There were so many conversations, that I've really forgotten which pixies asked about what special features for their house. If the demands on Pixielated Builders continues, I may have to hire The Phist brothers full time, and add some more temporaries. I wonder if the LeFoot brothers are busy? They are not as agile as Lefty and Wright, and somewhat shy, as they don't get out to often, but maybe they could be of some help.
The party lasted until well after dark, and Saoirse and Andi let me take some pictures of the interior of the cabin. I was surprised (not really) as to the furnishings. Those little darlin's are very unique in every thing they do. Who else would have lawn furniture in their living room?

Doesn't the Fire Grate give off a nice warm glow? I think the hurricane lanterns give the house a comfortable feeling.
I've included some pictures of the process on the Purr-jon house. The Phist brothers are really working hard.