Actually the C. stands for Carr, that's with two R's, unless you are a Purr-jon sister, then it is pronounced with three r's. Carr Pender pretty much describes what I do for a living. I'm thankful that Mom and Dad Pender named me Carr instead of something like "Fish Gutter" or "Boston Strangler" Pender. That might have meant my going into a completely different line of work. Through the years, any time I would apply for a job, the employers always assumed from my name that I was a Carpenter, which has worked out well.
Work on the Purr-jon house went very slow this week. Lefty showed up with his thumb in a band-aid, said he had a hang-nail, and could not work. Wright of course couldn't work either, he never goes anywhere without Lefty.
I managed to get to Norms Dollhouse and pick up some more electrical, paint and carpet supplies. Rose and Lily have desided that they want wall to wall, and floor to ceiling carpeting. They don't seem to be too fussy about colors, and since we are dealing with a great deal of carpet, I'm trying to keep the cost down by looking for bargains. I think I'll try to complete one room at a time.
I found out that I am going to have to take the Phist Brothers in hand. Lefty did not have a hang-nail, they wanted to go fishing! Hopefully, they will be ready to get some serious work done this coming week.