Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Purrrfect Home (Part 1)

My meeting with the Purr-jon (Pronounced Persian) sisters, was successful. This time I asked a lot more questions and found the the sisters were every bit as sophisticated as the Saiorse and Andara were naive. (I always like to include photos of my clients, but when I asked if I could take their picture, They suggested that I use one of their "glossies" instead. They may be into modeling as they had a whole portfolio of photos). It's interesting that they would chose a "seafood restaurant" for our first meeting.

Their tastes ran toward the more modern, and they wanted a home with lots of windows and skylights. Once again, it was off to Norm's Dollhouse.

It did not take the sisters, long to decide on the Contemporary Ranch House. The skylights provide excellent interior light. The high ceilings a feeling of openness and airiness. The Purr-jon's said it was Purrrfect! (They roll their R's a lot, I think they may be French).

This appears to be a "normal" construction job. Normal carpet, normal electricity, no indoor well. no vine and twig ladders, no dirt floors and no scenic calender wallpaper. They did indicate that, I should plan on using a lot of carpet, and 'absolutely' no tile or slick flooring. Oh well, that's my speciality (providing unique housing for Pixie's). Thus I'm now working on Building Permit # 020607-003.

By the way do you remember that little bag of "gold" coins Saiorse and Andara gave me as a bonus? When I went to deposit it at the 1st National Pixie Bank, the bag contained leaves and twigs. They must have made the "gold" with Pixie magic, and as Ms. Ariel had said "things made with Pixie magic are not always what they seem". I'm not upset about it, they are really sweet young ladies, and I'm sure they meant well.

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