Sunday, February 4, 2007

A Cabin in the Forest Part 5 ( Carpet and Lights)

Eventually, I suppose I will quite being surprised, but every day there has been a new twist to this project. The carpet I had ordered had been removed from the loft, and placed outside on the porch. I should have known! When Andara agreed to "foresty" carpet in the loft, she had meant "carpet like found in the forest". To them this was leaves, pine needles, moss and etc. Saoirse had had some bad experiences with "non-all-natural" carpet. Sensible persons would call it "Static Electricity", but to Saoirse it was small lightning, without the thunder. Definitely unacceptable!


The "leafy" carpet, that the Pixies installed, does look pretty good in the loft. It would not be my personal preference, but it does some how fit with the "rustic" look, that the customer had requested.

After hanging some lanterns, and putting in a fire grate for heat (in case of very cold weather), Saoirse and Andara"s home is nearing completion. About the only thing remaining is to finish shingling the roof. I would not begin to imagine what kind of furnishings will eventually grace their home.

Just a side note: I added a fire wood storage box at the rear of the house. The Pixies think that it is for storing twigs for their fire grate. Actually it contains the switches to turn on their "hurricane lamps" and "fire grate", which are actually powered by "LIGHTNING", don't tell Saoirse.

It appears that I have gotten a response to my ad in "Modern Home and Pixie", and have an appointment with some possible new clients, Lily and Rose Purr-jon.

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