Some shingling still needed to be done, and I was waiting for the shingles to arrive before finishing the "Cabin in the Forest". I was surprised when an emergency call came in from Saoirse and Andara. Andy's explanation of the "Emergency" was very sketchy. Something to do with the inside of the house being too dark. I was confused, I had put in more windows then were required by the building code. Something was mentioned about having to leave the door open. Like I said I was confused.
When I arrived at the "Cabin in the Forest", my first question was why were the windows covered?

My second question was why are there lines and numbers on those window coverings?

It did not take long to figure it out. Andara and Saoirse , after spending so much time in the woods,had become somewhat claustrophobic living inside. As a solution they had found some scenic calenders and using them as wallpaper, had hoped that the house would feel more open.

The calender pictures do give the interior a "spacious" feeling, but they had blocked any natural light from the windows.

They even had pictures of the sky on the ceilings!
Once the problem of covered windows was explained to them, Andara grabbed a sword, saying "I can fix that". (Why a sweet little Pixie like Andy would have a sword, I was not about to ask). She procedeed to installed "interior shutters" on the first floor, and "home made roll-up blinds" in the loft. Maybe not the perfect solution, but it works for these little ladies.

After the window "problem" was taken care of, the rest of the shingles had arrived, so I finished the roofing, completing the "Cabin in the Forest". Saoirse and Andara thanked me for completing their new home so quickly, by giving me a little bag of "gold" coins as a bonus. I'm going to miss the daily adventures these young ladies have caused. As far as what kind of furnishings will eventually grace their home, I would not begin to even guess. Should be interesting!
I'm on my way to meet with the Purr-jon sisters, for some reason they felt a restaurant with a good sea food menu would be best. Wish me luck!