The only word I can think of to describe Ms. Ariel is “sophisticated”. When we first met, she reminded me a lot of Za Za Gabor, without the accent and attitude. When asked why she did not just use Pixie Magic to produce a house, she explained that those things magically produced, are not necessarily what they appear to be. Also, since she had a tendency to move quite often, it needed to be more solidly constructed then magic allowed. Reluctantly, I agreed to accompany Ms. Ixie to “Norms Dollhouses”, and see what might be available.
The result of that trip was Building Permit 231006-001 for an Alpine Farmhouse. Two rooms and two stories, provided “roominess” without “largeness”. By keeping the interior walls to basic white, Ariel’s artistic decorating talents could be expressed. The Alpine construction provided the sturdiness that was required, for easy moving.

Construction began on Oct 23rd and the title was passed on the 17th of Dec. Since that time several more pixies have called about housing. If this continues, I may have to hire some assistants.