Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A Cabin in the Forest Part 2 (Tools and Trials)

This has been an adventure. Since Saoirse and Andara have never had their own house, they are taking quite an interest in the construction process. The what's this and the why that's are driving me crazy. I am getting use to them being underfoot, and have found ways to keep them busy. When they were "helpfully" handing me nails the other day, I took the time to explain that some of the nails had the heads on the wrong end. When they started throwing those nails away, it became necessary to explain that those nails were for the opposite wall, and should be saved. I got a lot done that afternoon, as they busily sorted nails into North, South, East and West stacks.

I'm actually getting to like these young ladies, but if intelligent "brightness" were measured in wattage, Andara would probably be a 25 watt bulb, Saoirse not more that a 7 1/2 watt night light.

When I started to install the stairs going to the second floor, Andara informed me that they were not necessary. Her response to how she and Saoirse were going to get to their bedrooms, was a shrug and "we'll take care of it". Maybe they're going to use "Pixie Dust" and fly, I don't know. In the construction business the customer is always right, especially if they won't listen to reason. I'm just glad they let me know before the stairway was completely installed, as I hate to tear out newly completed work.

Apparently my little under studies have learn a thing or two about construction. During the night they had removed the riser supporting the loft and replaced it with of all things a "tree"!They felt the tree gave their home a more "foresty" feeling than a bare post.

Structurally they had done an excellent job with the replacement, and I had little grounds for protesting what they had done, other than I requested that they check with me when they wanted to make future structural changes.

The weather reports are favorable, warm and sunny. I think that I'll work on the front porch for the next few days.

1 comment:

peppermintie said...

A Tree! Goodness you are a forgiving builder.