The room with the burgundy carpet is going to be a Dressing Room and also contain the Restroom facilities. The Purr-jon sisters are "models" and spend a great deal if time with make-up and such, thus the need for a rather large room. The loft area will be the sleeping area. As requested, I am installing wall-to-wall and floor-to-ceiling carpet. Lily and Rose have left all decisions as to carpet colors up to me. I am starting to think that they can not distinguish colors.
All was going well, until the accident!As it was explained to me, Lefty fell off the step ladder and then the ladder landed on top of him.
When I arrived on the scene, Wright was either checking Lefty's pulse or giving him CPR. I haven't a clue as to which one. I am not sure if Wright knew either.
The accident scene became even stranger, when Wright proceeded to apply a tourniquet to Lefty, even though any blood from his wound was already dried. When I asked Wright why he would do such a thing, especially since it could strangle Lefty. He's explanation was, ever since they were kids, one of his secret desires, had been to put a "tourniquet" on Lefty. What better time than now?
It always take some time to discover the truth when dealing with Wright and Lefty. However persistence will usually pay off. While playing with a untility knife Wright had accidentally cut Lefty. Since they have no insurance, they decided to fake an on the job accident, with the hope that Workmans Comp. would cover the medical expense. To date these medical expenses are the cost of a band-aid and a dab of neosphorene. The Phist brothers waste a great deal of time and effort trying to be "clever". If you remember, when they wanted to go fishin, Lefty had faked an injure to that same thumb. Just proves that "it's not nice to try and fool C. Pender"!