> Once again there was trouble on the construction site. A lot of the following is just what I have been able to glean from asking a bunch of questions. How much is fact I could not tell you.
Supposedly, Lefty was doing some touch up painting in the kitchen/family room. He said that he had an eerie feeling that he was being watched. When he turned there was a giant monster getting ready to attack him. At that time he claims that he calmly left the house, found a phone and called for assistance.

Wright's version was, he heard a scream, then shortly, something shot past him like a speeding bullet. Since the "rocket" somewhat resembled Lefty, Wright followed him. After Lefty made a phone call, he was too excited to answer any questions. Wright decided that he should call me.
Traffic was a zoo, there were road closures, traffic jams, etc., I did manage to get to the site, and was met with the following.

Lefty had apparently called the National Guard. They had surrounded the house and were trying to get the spider to come out.

Just as I approached the officer in charge, I heard him tell a sergeant, "Get on the bull-horn and tell that spider to come out with it's hands up and it won't be harmed!". To which the sarge said, "Sir, I don't believe spiders have hands, nor arms for that matter". "Sergeant, I've just recalled that spiders don't have hands. Tell it to put half if it's legs up and come out".
I told the Captain, who I was and asked what I could do to help. Before he could tell me to mind my own business and leave, the Spider called out. "Did I hear someone out there is named C. Pender? I need to talk to him, tell him Mr. Thorne sent me over for a job interview".
We finally got things sorted out. The National Guard left, without causing any damage to the Purr-jon house, that could not be easily repaired.
The spider had not meant to scare Lefty, and was sorry because he just has that kind of effect on people. His name was Tarin. He has been a friend of Mr. Thorne for a long time. When he lost his job as a WEB designer, due to down-sizing, Thorne had suggested he come by and see me.
Since we had just installed the roof, I thought that I would give Tarin the job of shingling. This is usually one of the most time consuming and boring jobs in construction.

I love Mr.
Tarin had the roof shingled in no time. Multiply eyes, eight legs and a great deal of enthusiasm. What a worker! He even made several tours around the roof to make sure everything was correct.

I know you are saying to yourself, "This solves C. Penders problems". Not so! Yes, Tarin is as efficient as two (maybe even three) workers, an answer to C. Pender's prayers. However, a problem has developed with the Phist brothers.

Lefty won't do any work because he is afraid of Tarin, and all he does is carry around a rolled up news paper for protection. Wright on the other hand has formed a group (consisting of only himself) to make sure that Tarin is treated ethically.
The Purr-jon house is now complete and the deed and keys will be turned over to Rose and Lily in the next few days. I'm not sure what my next project will be. I had put in a bid on the refurbishing off a large house, but was informed by the owners that they had found a local contractor (a personal friend) that was going to take on the job. I'm always curious about my competition and inquired who this contractor might be. Taelyn! Sooner or later I may still get that job.